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AROMABABY創立於1994年,是世界上第一個經過科學研究,採用純天然和有機原料的高端母嬰護膚品牌。 AROMABABY的配方由來自墨爾本的Catherine Cervasio女士研發所得,同行給予她 “崇尚自然的母親” 的美稱。

凱瑟琳是兩個孩子的母親,自十幾歲起就對健康和自然療法產生了濃厚的興趣。她在亞洲,美國,英國和澳大利亞曾發表眾多有關嬰兒護理和相關主題的文章。並且是許多專業和消費者出版物的定期撰稿人, 也是有關自然嬰兒護理,嬰兒按摩和触摸功能的受人尊敬的發言人。她在香港,新加坡,阿聯酋和中國的各種助產大會和健康專業會議皆有關於她工作領域上卓越的介紹。

Catherine不僅擁有熏香治療師的資格證書,是一位接受過專業培訓的嬰兒按摩指導師。她潛心於純天然和有機產品的開發已有25年。 Catherine在香港、中國、新加坡和其他地區開展母嬰工作室,旨在為父母在選擇嬰兒護膚品方面提供幫助和指導。她積極倡導嬰兒按摩,傳播 “觸摸” 的正面力量,並且鼓勵婦女們在孕期和產後關愛自己。


AROMABABY was launched in 1994 as the first specialist eco-friendly skincare brand for mother and baby – combining research, with the use of luxurious, natural and organic ingredients.

With a long history of safety and efficacy, including on sensitive skin and eczema, AROMABABY is proud to be the first brand of its kind to be welcomed into select maternity hospitals across several countries.Formulated by Melbourne mother of two, Catherine Cervasio, well known as the ‘Mother Nature’ of her industry, AROMABABY’s skincare is proudly 100% Australian made and exported around the world.

AROMABABY is a multi-award winning brand which is free from petro-chemicals, parabens, propylene glycol, phthalates, synthetic vitamin e, mineral oil, sulphates, talc, lanolin, dairy, goats milk, added colour, artificial fragrance along with many other ingredients potentially linked to skin irritation. This Australian made brand has become synonymous with premium quality over close to three decades – a trusted alternative to supermarket and pharmaceutical-type baby brands, prompting long-time support of hospitals, paediatric specialist centres and eczema support associations.

AROMABABY is regarded as a high quality, professional skincare brand, offering concentrated formulations which ensure excellent value for money along with pure peace of mind, when only the best will do.

Find AROMABABY in iconic baby stores such as Mothercare (Asia), Tangs (Singapore), The Baby Gallery (Australia), leading online retailers Adore Beauty, Myer and Pharmacy Online, duty free stores including Think Sydney along with select Pharmacies, resorts and hotels and where high quality, natural skincare products are sold.

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