
天然温和的沐浴油和身体油, 适用用于新生儿和皮肤敏感的婴儿。也适合怀孕中或生产后的妈妈们使用。含有机金盏花,天然维生素e和月见草油,适合敏感性皮肤。


品牌: Aromababy 爱乐湄

产地: 澳大利亚



A divine blend of pure cold pressed, organic oil, gmo free natural vitamin e, organic calendula and evening primrose oils makes this is an ideal first massage oil for your baby. Fragrance and essential-oil free, as recommended by various infant massage associations around the world, this oil is also suitable for women during pregnancy and afterwards, particularly for those with sensitive skin and do not wish to use essential oils. This oil may also be massaged gently onto Baby’s scalp to help eliminate cradle cap. May be used in the bath to help reduce the appearance of dryness and massaged onto nipples to help alleviate cracking and soreness sometimes associated with early breastfeeding. This 100% natural oil was developed in consultation with members of various infant massage Associations in Australia.


Additional information

Weight0.145 kg

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